Where did it all begin? That's what everyone wants to know, right? What led to the idea for It's Always Smoggy In L.A.?
Limited resources. At this level, all you really have to work with are the very basics: camera, location, script, and actors. We knew we wanted to create a place where those involved could practice the craft of movie-making on a regular basis. Most of the actors in this town [Los Angeles] never really get a chance to hone their talent. Doing plays and taking acting classes may take them halfway there, but it doesn't help them with the realities of a movie set. And the same goes for writing and directing; you only learn by doing.
Today, anyone who wants to make a movie can, but the industry and marketplace is flooded, so it's difficult to stand out or sustain an aud-ience's attention. The reason we continue It's Always Smoggy In L.A. is because we love writing, working with actors and creating this crazy playground.
© 2011 by Kendra Liedle
Excerpt from interview with Scott Vogel, Series Creator
Still photos, courtesy of TSV Productions from the following episodes:
He's Just Too Into You and Charlie's STD.